Codes and Policies

Health, Safety,
Security & Environment Policy
We at Crest Digitel believe that the Occupational Health, Safety, and Security of human beings overrides all other business targets, especially with regard to the environment at large.
We not only believe in fostering a safe working environment but also ensure that our commitment translates into a culture where our employees and our business partners have a safe and healthy working atmosphere that improves their well-being and prevents occupational ill health and work-related injuries.
We have an HSSE policy which is another testament to our commitment to achieve our goal of ZERO serious safety incidents, ZERO incidents that are considered high risk and ZERO incidents that are considered detrimental to the environment.
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
Crest Digitel is dedicated to carrying out all its activities in a way that is completely compliant with all applicable rules and regulations.
We reaffirm our commitment to maintaining and strengthening the company’s reputation as a world-class organization and provide a clear understanding of what is expected of us in order to enhance the corporate image to the benefit of everyone in the organization.

Whistle Blower Policy
As part of Crest Digitel’s Whistleblower Policy, employees and other stakeholders are encouraged to express their concerns or voices in relation to any misconduct, bad or harmful behavior, illegal and unethical behaviour, loss of intellectual property assets, such as brands and patents, or the disclosure of highly confidential and private business information, regardless of whether or not the conduct was wrong. Through this policy, the organization hopes to encourage the workforce to speak up if they witness wrongdoing in the workplace and to build a sense of belonging by fostering a culture of openness and transparency.
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
We are committed to conducting our business with integrity, transparency, and accountability. This Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy outlines our zero-tolerance approach towards bribery and corruption in any form. Our policy aims to ensure compliance with all applicable anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws, promoting ethical business practices and maintaining the highest standards of conduct. This policy applies to all employees and associates of Crest Digitel, extending to all our business dealings and transactions where we operate. Bribery, defined as offering, giving, receiving or soliciting something of value to influence a business outcome and corruption, defined as the abuse of entrusted power for private gains are strictly prohibited. Employees are responsible for understanding and complying with this policy and regular training programs are conducted to ensure awareness of this policy, Non-compliance with this policy can result in severe legal and reputational consequences and we are committed to enforcing this policy rigorously.

Code of Conduct for Business Associates and Partners
We are committed to creating ethical, transparent and respectful business relationships. Our Code of Conduct for Business Partners outlines our expectations for integrity, legal compliance and the promotion of a safe, inclusive and environmentally responsible working environment. Adherence to this Code is crucial for our business partners, as it ensures mutual trust, protects our shared reputation and contributes to long-term success. We strongly believe that our commitment to this code will not only strengthen Crest but will also enhance the quality and reliability of our collaborations and we can collectively create a more sustainable and successful business ecosystem.